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Sydney Allied Health Professionals

Sydney Health Clinic is an active, progress focused allied health provider that prides itself in offering the very best therapy treatment in a relaxed and positive environment.

Our goal is to assist our clients and NDIS participants to grow to ones full potential, through mental and physical assessment planning and tailored treatments.

Wellbeing starts with a healthy mind, body and environment. That is why our team of highly trained therapists work in collaboration with your surroundings to provide quality tailored treatments that bring out your very best.

Our goal is to enable our clients and participants to thrive not just survive!

We pride ourselves in continually learning the latest treatments to ensure the highest quality service for our clients.

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Our Services

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Sydney Health Clinic’s allied health services aim to restore, improve, or maintain our clients health and well-being. With services such as
Psychological Therapy, Speech Therapy, Behavioural Therapy, and Occupational Therapy, you may feel your best emotionally and physically. At Sydney Health Clinic, we are professionally trained and committed to assisting you in receiving the assistance you require to live your life to the fullest and achieve your goals.

Moreover, our healthcare services are convenient and scheduled to fit our patients' demanding schedules. This helps in the maintenance of a stable "patient-healthcare" relationship. We are highly flexible and can gladly assess and treat you at home, the gym, school, or the workplace.

Check out Sydney Health Clinic's NDIS services, which are currently being rolled out across Sydney, Australia:

Psychology Therapy

People's lives are filled with ups and downs. We can handle the bulk of things, but we may want assistance in maintaining excellent mental health, which is critical for our sense of well-being, family, and social life. If you require psychological treatment and your NDIS plan includes funds for improved daily living, you can get help at the Sydney Health Clinic. We provide psychotherapy services, which may include consultations, training, and counselling with certified psychologists to improve your skills, independence, and community engagement.

Speech Therapy

Speech and language therapy helps a person’s ability to communicate, understand, and express language. NDIS Speech therapy can significantly help them improve their speech, communication, listening, comprehension, social skills, writing, and more. 

We offer NDIS-approved speech pathology services and speech therapy in Sydney to help children through adults of all ages with various types of speech therapy talk sufficiently to be understood, articulate sounds effectively, and pronounce words correctly so that others can understand them.

Behavioural Therapy

" Behavior support" refers to various interventions and therapies to assist persons with disabilities who show complex or disruptive behaviours. Typically, these behavioural patterns are severe enough to pose a risk to themselves or others. 

As a certified NDIS provider with years of experience in the community services sector, our NDIS behavioural therapist in Sydney support services are all about understanding why you or a loved one might engage in inappropriate or challenging behaviour and what can be done to strengthen the capacity in a safe, pleasant environment. We can provide a solid support network of caregivers and allied health professionals that provide NDIS therapeutic support, training, and education to our valued clients.

Occupational Therapy

Our qualified occupational therapists in Sydney assist clients in overcoming limitations to achieve greater freedom in their lives. Occupational therapy will help them regain their independence in daily duties, return to work, and improve their ability to manage psychological issues. Sydney Health Clinic, a licenced NDIS OT provider, provides clients with NDIS-approved occupational therapy treatments and solutions to help them engage in everyday life and live fulfilling careers.


The National Disability Insurance Scheme, or NDIS, is a national government initiative funded jointly by the Australian and state governments, including the New South Wales Government, that offers lifetime assistance to people with severe and permanent disabilities under age 65.

The goal is to provide individuals with disabilities with more excellent choices and control over how, when, and where they get support, as well as assurance that they will receive assistance for the rest of their lives. 

This Australia-wide scheme was established in 2013 and was implemented entirely in 2020. The NDIS currently supports over 500,000 Australians with disabilities accessing the necessary services and support. The NDIS can cover services and supports such as assistance with household tasks, personal care, sustaining social support, recreation, physiotherapy, accommodation and many others. The government supports the project; recipients or participants are not required to purchase or contribute to an insurance policy. The NDIS Act also established the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA).


The cost of approved NDIS supports and services can be covered and included in your NDIS plans, and we charge solely according to the NDIS NSW Price guide and at affordable rates that meet your financial needs. If you desire to purchase any extra services other than those included in your plan, we may provide you with a customised cost for service based on your needs. Request a quote today at 1800 992 434.

Agency Managed - NDIS

The term "NDIA managed" refers to NDIS funds managed by the National Disability Insurance Agency. The National Disability Insurance Agency will manage your NDIS funds if you choose this option. The NDIA is responsible for your plan's financial management, including paying NDIS service providers and monitoring bills. If your NDIS plan is NDIA administered, you will only be able to pick from a list of NDIS registered providers who can electronically claim payment directly from your NDIS funding.

Being agency-managed provides the least amount of flexibility and control. However, if you don't need much freedom and prefer to work with solely registered suppliers, this might be your option.

There are pros and downsides to each plan management option.


You can use NDIS-registered providers.

All necessary bookkeeping and record-keeping related to your funding for the audit will be managed by NDIA.

You can log on to your MyPlace portal to see what claims have been made against your NDIS funding and keep track of your budget.

There are no out-of-pocket expenses for you to manage your funding.


You can not use non-registered NDIS providers. This might be a problem if you live in a rural or remote area with a limited choice of providers or if you want to use providers that aren’t registered with the NDIS.

You have inadequate control over how your funds can be spent.

Choose one or a combination

Depending on what you want to achieve with each category budget, you can pick one strategy to manage all of your NDIS money or a combination of options.

A combination plan is one in which you select more than one method of goal management, such as plan management, self-management, and agency management. The beauty of a combination plan is that you can work on each element of your NDIS budget at the best time for you and your family. This option is appropriate for those who want control over a few services while leaving the rest of their plan to the NDIS.

You can switch at any time.

Remember that you are not obligated to indefinitely use any NDIS Plan management option. If you start down one path and realise it isn't working for you, you may modify how you manage your NDIS plan at any time. If your circumstances change, consult your transition provider or partner, or call the NDIS at 1800 800 110 to update your plan management.

Sydney NDIS provider


Because everyone is different and has various goals, it can be challenging to determine which NDIS funding management solution is ideal for you. What works for a friend or family member may not be your best option. All three have their own unique characteristics, and the management of your NDIS funds will be influenced by your situation, personality, and NDIS journey goals. 

At your NDIS planning meeting, you will be asked how you want to manage your plan once it has been signed off. When we talk about the most incredible NDIS fund management choice, we're referring to the four options you have when determining how to handle the administration of your NDIS funds. 

If you are unfamiliar with the options, they are as follows:

Agency Managed NDIS

Self Managed NDIS

Plan Managed NDIS


Self-Managed NDIS

In a self-managed NDIS, you are in complete control of administering your plan and its funds. You can acquire the services you choose here by considering what you want to achieve with your NDIS plan and finding service providers to suit those requirements.

Self-management provides the most freedom of all fund management options, but also requires the most time, effort, and responsibility. You are responsible for choosing which portion of your plan to claim the services under, accessing your plan through the NDIS site, filing a claim, and maintaining records in case you are audited as compared to plan management and NDIA management. 

By selecting this option, you gain access to NDIS-registered and non-registered providers with whom you can negotiate services and pay more or less than NDIS pricing guidelines.


You can use NDIS-registered and non-registered providers.

You have the ability to choose which support you receive and who provides it.

You may employ or contract staff yourself, or have someone do this on your behalf.

You have the ability to negotiate the cost of your support services, giving you the best value for money.


Because providers are not bound by the NDIS pricing guide, your chosen provider may demand a higher fee than that provided by the NDIS.

You will handle all of your billing concerns.

It is very time-consuming because you have to process your payments and invoices, etc.

You have to keep records and receipts for audits.

Plan Managed - NDIS

Plan management is one option for managing the funds in your NDIS plan. Plan management allows you to choose and control how you spend your NDIS budget, but with the help of a "plan manager" like Sydney Health Clinic, who manages your finances and pays your bills.

If you want to take this route, inform NDIS staff at your planning meeting that you prefer a plan manager to assist you. Your NDIS plan will include funds to pay for your plan manager. This is separate from your other services and is covered by your budget. The NDIA will fund your plan in order to pay for a plan manager to deliver your services for you, support you in keeping track of your finances, and handle your financial reporting.

Receiving an NDIS plan and funds can be pretty overwhelming. As an NDIS registered provider in Sydney, we will be there for you at every step, no matter what support you require. With the aid of our local-based support coordinator, we can work directly with you to receive the assistance you need to access the services you need to make the most of your NDIS plan. If you choose us as your plan manager, you will be given valuable resources to help you make the most of your NDIS funds. You will have access to our tools, allowing you to track your expenditure and provide easy-to-understand breakdowns, among other things. You will also have access to our knowledgeable staff, who will answer your questions and advise you on how to get the most out of your NDIS funding.


The NDIA will provide additional funding to your plan to pay for the expense of a plan manager that is not taken from the funds in your plan. 

You have the option of using NDIS-registered or non-registered providers. 

Your plan manager will handle payments and bills for you. 

Records are kept for auditing purposes on your behalf. 

Access tools and apps for tracking financing and transparency. 

You have experts on your side.


If you choose a provider who charges more than the NDIS Price Guide, you must pay the difference yourself since plan managers are required to adhere to the price guide.

There is always the chance that your plan manager will fail to pay your invoices on time, but you will never have that concern with Sydney Health Service. We pay your invoices the day we receive them. Give us a call to find out how else we can make your life your way.



Participants must meet the access criteria to participate in the NDIS. Among these are:

  • They must be between the ages of 7 and 65

  • Being an Australian citizen, permanent resident, or New Zealand citizen with a Protected Special Category Visa

  • Living in an NDIS area

  • Having a permanent and significant disability that affects your ability to take part in everyday activities

  • Have been accessing special equipment regularly due to a permanent and significant disability.

Do you meet all of the requirements? Call us at 1800-952-434 to discuss your options.


Preparing oneself before applying for NDIS funding will make the application process go more smoothly. Our Sydney Health Clinic professionals will gladly assist you if you need assistance with your application.

When you apply for NDIS support, you may be asked for the following information:

  • Name, age, place of residence, residency or visa status, and any supporting paperwork.

  • Details and proof concerning your disability, including how it impacts your everyday life, should be provided.

  • Do you have any reports from medical practitioners or allied health professionals that are relevant?

It is also a good idea to consider if you want someone you trust to be present at any meetings or phone calls with the NDIA.


Your planning meeting can occur in person or over the phone with an NDIS Planner or a Local Area Coordinator. You will be asked about your goals and daily activities during this session. This is where your NDIS Planning Workbook comes in handy. You can bring a family member, friend, or advocate to your planning meeting if you'd like. You will also be asked to select a plan management option at your appointment, deciding who will manage your NDIS plan and funding. 

You may need to meet more than once to establish a program you are comfortable with. When you are satisfied with the plan you created with the Planner or Local Area Coordinator, they will submit it to the NDIS for approval. You will be notified of the outcome shortly after and will be allowed to begin utilising your funds according to your approved plan.


If you believe you met all of the requirements and criteria, but your application was incorrectly denied, you can and should reapply.  Your application was most likely declined because you did not present enough high-quality proof. This evidence must be recent and demonstrate the functional impact of your disability on your daily life rather than merely the medical or physical impact. The more evidence you can provide, the better, so consult with medical professionals, caregivers, family members, and friends to develop a case that will help the NDIA understand why you require NDIS assistance.

It is relatively rare for people's applications to be denied the first time or many times. Many people are successful with the correct proof and a little patience. So, don't give up - keep your spirits up and keep trying!


There will always be people with disabilities in Australia who will be declared ineligible for the NDIS at the time of an access request. This might be due to eligibility restrictions, or it could be for various other reasons. The most apparent qualifying requirement is that the individual is over 65 years old at the time of the access request. The National Disability Insurance Scheme Act of 2013 now makes this a clear and strict policy.

When a person with a disability reaches age 65, they are no longer eligible for the NDIS. MyAgedCare will then be referred to them. However, if an individual is determined to be eligible for the NDIS before the age of 65, it is entirely up to the individual to decide whether to continue with the NDIS or transition to MyAgedCare when they reach the age of 65. It is not an automatic procedure and is not required if the participant wants to remain on the NDIS. Another reason an access request may be denied is if the disability is not considered severe or permanent.


1. To start, anyone who believes they may be eligible for the NDIS can get an Access Request Form (ARF) and a Supporting Evidence Form (SEF) and collaborate with their GP, allied health, and specialised medical experts to compile and provide the required information.

Anyone who believes they are qualified for the NDIS can do the following:

  • Call 1800 800 110 and request verbal access, or fill out the ARF on your computer and submit it to the NDIA with accompanying documentation, or 

  • Download the ARF, print it, and submit it to the NDIA with accompanying documentation, or 

  • Send an email to NAT@ndis.gov.au requesting an ARF, or

  • Contact your local NDIA office and request that an ARF is mailed to you.

Local NDIA and Partners in the Community staff can also assist you with your application.

2. Complete the Access Request Form thoroughly, including any essential information about your handicap. You may need to ask various physicians and medical practitioners to fill out sections of the form and offer relevant, current reports to submit with your application. 

3. Send the completed form and any accompanying documentation to the NDIA. 

4. The NDIA will assess if there is sufficient evidence to support your application. You will get a letter informing you if you have met the NDIS eligibility requirements or if you need to supply more information. 

5. If you meet the requirements, you must gather paperwork and proof concerning your daily support needs. If you work with allied health therapists or experts in your daily activities, they should be able to provide reports. Consider all areas of your daily care needs, such as access to the community, jobs, hobbies, and equipment required for everyday activities. The documentation you provide will be used in planning meetings. 

6. An NDIA Planner or a Local Area Coordinator (LAC) will contact you to set up a planning meeting in your area. Following the meeting, you will be issued a final plan describing your funded support. 

7. After final approval, it's time to put your ideas into action and begin getting help and services from Sydney Health Clinic. Forget about your worries, become involved in your community, pursue your aspirations, and live your life to the fullest.


If you or a loved one has a disability and wishes to live at home, independently, and with the highest possible quality of life, Sydney Health Clinic can help. In the Sydney metropolitan area, we provide a wide range of specialised, professional, and NDIS therapeutic services tailored to your needs. Our dedicated, skilled, and experienced NDIS Support Coordinators are always ready to assist you in obtaining the services you need to maximise your NDIS plan.

So, you're ready to live the meaningful life you've always desired? 

Reach us anytime by phone, email, or complete our contact form below, and we'll send you all the information you need to get started with us. We are available and welcome any questions you may have regarding the NDIS or our support services.

Satisfied Patients

“Had a great experience and will definitely be back. My therapist helped me get through issues I had from a very young age. I now can face life again in a positive and productive way.”

Jane F, Kogarah

“I came to  seek treatment and i got a lot more in return, I now have new habits and mind set. You don't know how much you have changed my life.”

John S, Rockdale

“My child's speech therapist Daniella is so helpful, caring, and found practical solutions for my son. Thank you so much for your treatment.” 

Madelaine T, Tempe

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